How Joyous Haven was born…

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Life is about change, growth, and happiness.  We believe everyone strives for happiness but not everyone knows what happiness is.  They seek for it in items, wealth, acceptance, attention, through others, but not often within themselves.  Jacki, Joyous Haven’s Founder, has made decisions and taken many of the difficult paths that has made her life harder.  She felt people viewed and treated her as if she was lost or made wrong decisions. “If she could just focus and decide what she wanted to do she could be great”, they would say. While they were focusing on how she was messing up or passing judgement on her choices, she was busy following the path to realizing who she is becoming and tapping into her divine purpose.  One thing she is very proud of is that in every moment of anger, grief, sorrow, shame, pain, laughter, happiness, or pure stupidity she found the learning lesson.  This quote by Walter Anderson holds true to how she chooses to live her life.

‘If you are not learning something new every day you are not growing as a human being: “Our lives improve only when we take chances – and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves’ ~ Walter Anderson

Jacki thanks God and all of her guides every day for helping her through another day and guiding her to grow into the person she was created to be. 

Joyous Haven was born during the grieving of her mother’s passing. During her mom’s battle with cancer, she chose to focus on Joy…to find the joy in every moment and to share joy with others until her final days on earth.  Jacki’s reiki journey started when she began experiencing constant body pain after her mom was first diagnosed with cancer and having difficulties with finding solutions to healing her body. Reiki had such a profound effect on her life and she knew she wanted to share it with as many people as she could.  Jacki made the decision to become a Reiki practitioner, to support and provide her mom relief during her chemo and radiation. Losing someone you Love is a difficult thing to go through. Logically, she knew her mom was in a better place, and we all will die some day; however, emotions overpower logic most of the time.  She thought she was prepared for life after her mom, but grief quickly knocked her to her knees to tell her differently. 

Many times, people aren’t sure what to say to someone during their grieving process.  Often they say nothing, that it will be okay, your loved one is now in a better place, or that she lived a long happy life. Jacki experienced being told to try and carry on with life as it was before her loss.  Real empathy is not insisting that it will be okay, but acknowledging that it is not okay for this person in this moment.  When Jacki went through this difficult time, she just wanted someone to be there.  She did not need anyone to tell her it was okay but rather what can I do?  How can I help you get through today? As a result, she ended up isolating herself and asking for support from God, Spirit, her Angels, and her mom (as she knows she is still here right by her side always).  Jacki’s healing journey was rough but powerful and helped her to find her internal joy and purpose. As she dove deeper into her intuitive side her clairaudient, clairsentient, and claircognizant abilities strengthened.

This is when Joyous Haven was born, she knew her purpose was to help as many souls as she could through Intuitive/Spiritual life coaching, energy healing with Reiki and Quantum Resonance. She wanted to create a place where people felt safe to be vulnerable and find their internal Joy. 

Joyous – full of happiness & joy / Haven – a place of safety or refuge

The perfect name was given to her – Joyous Haven. 

The thing about tragedy is that until you experience it, many of us take life for granted.  We wait to do this or that until this or that. The rug we are all standing on can be pulled out from under us without any warning at any time.  Do not wait until you are on the ground trying to cope before you live your fullest joyful life. Joyous Haven was created to help others find their internal joy and let it shine bright for all the world to see.